Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

04.05.2024 13:00 to 04.05.2024 16:45 Add Your Event

On May 5th this year at 13:00, Valmiera's contemporary art space 'Kurtuve' will host Edward Albee's play 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?'

In a late evening, George and Martha, a middle-aged married couple, invite a university colleague and his young wife for a visit. The evening turns into a whirlwind of revelry, love, and games of animosity, observed by George and Martha as if a sacred ritual. Harsh exchanges of wit between the hosts unexpectedly replace what seemed to be moments of genuine love.

The characters struggle with the light and shadow sides of their personalities, dreams, and unfulfilled illusions, hindering them from perceiving reality as it is, leading them to anger and denial. Yet, in every living being lies a potential for kindness, which can awaken to help oneself and others.

Director - Inese Mičule

Set Designer - Mārtiņš Vilkārsis

Costume Designer - Anna Heinrihsone

Translator - Jānis Elsbergs

Cast: Elīna Vāne, Mārtiņš Liepa, Ieva Estere Barkāne, Krišjānis Strods.


  • Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Categories: Theatre;

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Address: Laikmetīgās mākslas telpa „Kurtuve”, Valmiera, Rīgas iela 25a

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