Valentine's Day Ball “A Date—Like in the Old Days…”

14.02.2025 21:00 to 15.02.2025 01:00 Add Your Event

Valentine's Day Ball “A Date—Like in the Old Days…”. The band“Zuši” will play. Event host Roberts Rūja. Dance group “Dinastija”.

February 14th is the perfect time to go on “A Date—Like in theOld Days…”, so we invite you to the Love Day Ball at Auce City'sCultural Center from 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM.

The fabulous band “Zuši” will ensure great dance music!

The lively event host Roberts Rūja will ensure a specialatmosphere for the event!

From 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM everyone will have the opportunity tocapture moments in the photo zone with a 360 Video Spinner.

The dance group “Dinastija” has prepared a flirtyperformance...

Invite your other half to “A Date, Like in the Old Days...”, butif you haven't found your other half yet—who knows, maybe you'll meetat the Love Day Ball...

See you there!

Entrance ticket: 7.00 euros


You are also welcome to come on the day of the ball, even if youhaven't reserved a table in advance, but we encourage you to registerin time! 

  • Valentine's Day Ball “A Date—Like in the Old Days…”

Location on the map


Address: Auces pilsētas Kultūras nams

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