Summer Solstice in Ventspils and Ventspils Region

17.06.2024 10:00 to 23.06.2024 23:55 Add Your Event

Very soon, we will celebrate the Summer Solstice, weave the Midsummer wreaths together, welcome the shortest night of the year, sing songs by the bonfire, and dance throughout Latvia. Traditionally, the Ventspils Tourist Information Center invites you to explore the Midsummer Festival compilation, showcasing the biggest events filled with beautiful Latvian traditions in Ventspils and the Ventspils region.


On Tuesday, June 20:

At 18:00, Ventspils mixed choir "Līvzeme" invites you to join in singing and dancing for Jāņi! The Līgo procession will start at the Gāliņciems Community Center (Kuldīgas iela 110) and conclude at the H. Dorbe Museum Garden (Ērgļu iela 1).

At 19:00, the Jūras vārti Theater (Karlīnes iela 40) will host the performance of "Skroderdienas Silmačos". Director Imants Strads, featuring actors from almost all major theaters in Latvia: Kristīne Nevarauska, Edgars Pujāts, Madara Melne Tomsone, Ivo Martinsons, Artis Jančevskis, Imants Strads, and others. MORE.

On Wednesday, June 21:

At 15:00, storytelling time at Herbert Dorbe's "Conversations by the Bonfire" with ghost stories at H. Dorbe Museum. MORE.


On the evening of the Summer Solstice, Ventspils residents and city guests are invited to visit the Seaside Open-Air Museum, where the Summer Solstice Celebration will take place starting at 21:00. Songs, dances, folklore traditions, followed by lighting of fire sculptures and meditation by the sea. The Rucava band “Paurupīte” will provide a lively atmosphere and dances, while folk songs will be sung by the folklore group “Laipa”, and joyful dances will be performed by youth and middle-aged dance ensembles “Strautuguns”. Entry to the events is free.

On Friday, June 23:

From 7:30 to 15:00, come and visit the Midsummer Festival Market (Old Town Market, Pils iela 14).

At 20:00 in Reņķa dārzs, Ventspils Theater invites celebrants to the outdoor new production "Oh, Beloved Blaumanīt!". After the performance, enjoy the shortest night of the year with dances and merriment with the Rozentāls Brothers and DJ Jānis K.

On Saturday, June 24, from 7:30 to 15:00, visit the Midsummer Festival Market (Old Town Market, Pils iela 14).


In Puze, on June 18 at 18:00, a grand Midsummer Wreath Making event will take place near the Puze sign. Residents are invited to participate in wreath making, bringing along flowers.

In Piltenē, on June 18 at 20:00, an event "Ielīgosim" will take place in Piltenes central park.

In Popes, on June 19 at 20:00, Midsummer Eve celebrations will happen at Pope Hill with folklore groups (“Pūnika”, “Urdava”, “Pill tīn”, “Laipa”).

In Popes, on June 20 at 14:00, a creative workshop for Midsummer children of all ages and a "Let's Start Celebrating Jānis" event will take place at Popes library.

In Ancē, on June 20 at 16:00, an opening event of the exhibition "Song and Dance Festival - the most beautiful event of the summer" will be held at Ances library.

In Užava, on June 20 at 19:00, Midsummer Eve celebrations will take place in Užava. The vocal-instrumental group ‘’Līgo’’ will participate along with amateur theater performances. Various activities, beliefs, riddles, poems.

In Jūrkalne, on June 21 at Jūrkalne Bonfire Place, you can experience the magic of the solstice – fire rides and fire mills, traditions, rituals, songs, and dances:

At the Bonfire Place, from 20:00, Ventspils district folklore groups will dance, and event attendees will have the opportunity to participate in solstice workshops and master classes. When the big bonfire is lit at 21:00, people will head towards the sea. As the sun sets, with the accompaniment of the “Suiti Dūdēni” group, a fire ride will descend from the steep coast. Then at 23:00, a bonfire will blaze at the Bonfire Place, accompanied by the ecological music group “Ducele”. At midnight, the fire mills will spin, and the magical solstice night will conclude with dances featuring the band “Strops”.

In Zūras, on June 22, at Zūras library, there will be a creative workshop "Wildflowers" – flower reading and exhibition creation for the Midsummer Festival.

In Zūras, on June 22, from 18:00 at Rūķu workshop, a Midsummer celebration event will take place. The Ventspils Bluesmen band will perform, and various activities will be held – wreath weaving, cheese making.

In Piltenē, on June 22 at Piltenes central park at 20:00, the event "Under the Spell of the Solstice" will take place.

In Ancē, on June 22 at 22:00 in Ances park, a green ball with surprise effects "Golden Hit" will take place, with music by Mārtiņš Voitics. The ticket for the event is 5 euros.

In Zlēkas, on June 23 at 21:00 in Zlēkas Manor Park, there will be a Midsummer evening with the amateur theater "Margots" and DJ Rimants.

To ensure that Ventspils residents and city guests welcome the Midsummer Festival in a colorful and festive manner, festive decorations have been set up in the city to create a joyful atmosphere.

This year's novelty – in the Main Square next to the traditional "Līgo" inscription, a flower wreath will also be placed, which is one of the main symbols of Jāņi. The Town Hall Square will be adorned with Līgo flagpoles, but a special atmosphere will be created by a life-size horse with Jāņi night colored cart wheels attached. This place will be perfect for beautiful photo moments, as anyone can sit on flower-decorated carts. Also, the traditional "Līgo" chant in decorations will be found at the Pārventas Center near the fountain "Kāpu priede" and on the Venta river's Bridge Circle. Similarly, decorative Līgo flags will be visible from Lauku iela to Raiņa iela and also at the Pārventas Center.

We wish you magical and tradition-rich festivities!

  • Summer Solstice in Ventspils and Ventspils Region

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Address: Ventspils un Ventspils novads

Dizains un Druka