Āraišu Lake Castle Add an Object

Āraišu Lake Castle is the only 9th-10th century fortified settlement reconstruction in Europe. It is located on a small island in Lake Āraiši and has been partially reconstructed. In 1983, Āraišu Archaeological Park was established, which includes castle ruins as well as Stone and Bronze Age dwelling reconstructions on Meitu Island.

On the shore of Āraišu Lake, you can see the ruins of the medieval castle of Āraiši type, while on Meitu Island, you can admire the buildings constructed as reconstructions based on archaeological data obtained in Latvia and neighboring countries regarding such Stone and Bronze Age dwellings.

In addition to the visible buildings, the museum features a permanent exhibition that tells the history of the lake castle, its construction, and the everyday life of ancient times that prevailed in the castle and its surroundings. There are many legends about Āraišu Lake Castle, which tell stories of a sunken and resurfaced castle, its seekers, and their achievements. These legends can be explored or learned at the museum on-site - there, they will certainly evoke completely different emotions.

Āraišu Lake Castle is also available for newlywed events.

  • Āraišu Lake Castle

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Address: Āraiši, Drabešu pagasts

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