Ethnographic Homestead "Ielīcas" Add an Object

The ethnographic homestead "Ielīcas" is located in the Vijciems parish near Valka. The peasant homestead includes a residential house, a sauna with a bath attendant's room, 3 cellars, a cowshed, a granary, a stable with feed rooms, a threshing barn, a wheelwright's workshop, and a cellar. The buildings are arranged in a courtyard system typical of Northern Vidzeme and provide visitors with information about peasant life and farming in the 18th-19th centuries. For example, an axe was the only tool used in the construction of several buildings.

 "Ielīcas" is a nationally significant cultural monument. Although the buildings were constructed later, elements from an earlier period have been preserved, such as stone foundation posts, rounded log walls at the corners, notched beams, rounded log floors, and ceilings.

Various events, celebrations, and theater performances are held at "Ielīcas". This is also where the well-known film "Pūt vējiņi" was filmed.

Accommodation is available in the residential building (2 rooms, each for two people) as well as in tents. Picnic areas are available.

  • Ethnographic Homestead "Ielīcas"

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Address: Vijciema pagasts, "Ielīcas"

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