Jēkabpils St. Nicholas Wonderworker Orthodox Church and Monastery Add an Object

The Orthodox church, named after St. Nicholas, is one of the oldest treasures on the left bank of the Daugava River. Over time, St. Nicholas Church came into the possession of the Latvian Orthodox and they gave it a typical Gothic Western European form.The Holy Spirit Church has a complex history. In 1878 and 1881, fires raged all around it, but miraculously the church remained untouched. After it was restored and solemnly consecrated, a few months later the church burned down. The new church was built in 1886-1888 in Byzantine style with five towers. In July 2008, a copy of the miraculous Jakobstadt icon of the Virgin Mary returned to the church - a significant treasure and symbol of the Orthodox faith. 

  • Jēkabpils St. Nicholas Wonderworker Orthodox Church and Monastery

  • Jēkabpils St. Nicholas Wonderworker Orthodox Church and Monastery

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Address: Jēkabpils Sv. Nikolaja Brīnumdarītāja pareizticīgo baznīca un klosteris

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