Oskar Kalpaks Bridge Add an Object

One of the oldest metal structure bridges in Liepaja and Latvia, a technical monument. The bridge was designed based on a sketch by the French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel.

After the inspection and acceptance of the bridge, it was solemnly consecrated in August 1906 by the minister of St. Nicholas Maritime Cathedral. There is a known legend about a daring pilot Herberts Cukurs, who, demonstrating his flying skills, glided under the closed arches of the bridge in a biplane in the summer of 1936. The flight was successful, but the pilot was punished for such audacity by demoting his rank.

  • Oskar Kalpaks Bridge

  • Oskar Kalpaks Bridge

  • Oskar Kalpaks Bridge

Categories: Architecture;

Location on the map


Address: Oskara Kalpaka tilts

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