Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rēzekne Add an Object

Before the current Holy Trinity Church, there was a wooden temple that was demolished in 1931 to make way for a more spacious church. The construction of the new church began on June 6, 1933, according to the project by architect J. Cīrulis. It was completed in 1938. In 1944, the church was damaged during an aerial bombardment by the Red Army, resulting in damage to its roof and shattered window frames. During the Soviet occupation, the church was taken away from the congregation. In 1949, a second floor was added, housing a rental office and a cinema screening hall. The church was returned to the congregation in 1994 and re-consecrated on November 20 of the same year. Restoration work took place after the recovery of the church.

  • Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rēzekne

  • Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rēzekne

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Address: Raiņa iela 4

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