Turaida Castle Add an Object

Turaida Castle, built in 1214, is located on the right bank of the Gauja River in Turaida, in the city of Sigulda. The castle is a national archaeological monument and a national architectural monument, included in the Turaida Museum Reserve and the Gauja National Park.

In 1924, a decision was made to include Turaida Castle ruins in the list of state-protected monuments, but restoration work did not begin until the 1950s. This castle is one of the most extensively studied castles in Latvia archaeologically.

The "Turaida Museum Reserve", a state "specially protected cultural monument", was established in 1988 based on the Sigulda Local History Museum and is a complex of cultural monuments. The museum reserve covers an area of 42 hectares, including archaeological, architectural, historical, and artistic monuments. It houses the main tower, bergfried, which is one of the oldest castle buildings, built in its early days, the western corps - a building near the western defensive wall of the castle, the wooden Turaida Church, one of the oldest wooden churches in Latvia, and other attractions. One of the most well-known objects in Turaida Museum Reserve is the "Hill of Songs" - a sculpture garden dedicated to Latvian folklore. In 1985, it was created in honor of Krišjānis Barons with 26 stone sculptures created by sculptor Indulis Ranka. The buildings contain exhibitions that tell the rich history of the castle in different eras.



+371 67972376



  • Turaida Castle

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Address: Sigulda, Turaidas iela 10

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