Exhibition "Awakening. The Story of the Hernhutters"

  • Exhibition "Awakening. The Story of the Hernhutters"

Published: 13:08 27.03.2023 Add Events
Until July 30, 2023, the exhibition "Awakening. The Story of the Hernhutters" can be viewed in the exhibition hall on the 5th floor of the National Library of Latvia. Visitors will have the opportunity to see truly unique material - namely, handwritten manuscripts of the Hernhutters, which are included in the UNESCO 'Memory of the World' program in Latvia's national register.

In Latvia, Hernhutism began as a religious movement, but they also paid a lot of attention to education and knowledge, encouraging Latvians to stand up for their freedom and rights. The Hernhutters produced extensive written works, which not only tell of the activities and achievements of the Hernhutters, but also provide insights into the everyday life and development of the time - both in the religious sphere and in everyday life.

The exhibition features not only the original manuscripts but also animations inspired by Johan Christoph Broce's drawings.

The exhibition is complemented by various readings, academic discussions, guided tours by the exhibition curators. There are also workshops where visitors can immerse themselves in the role of the Hernhutters and write with a quill pen and ink.

More information can be found on the National Library of Latvia's website.

Admission is free.

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