Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

Published: 10:08 09.08.2023 Add Events

On Sunday, 20 August, at 19:00, the Bauska Castle hosts the outstanding historical dance ballet "Cracovia Danza" (Poland) with the dance performance.

La Fortuna. Lady with an Ermine brings an attention to the only Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece that is kept in Poland – the portrait of Cecilia Gallerani. “When Fortune comes, seize her in front with a sure hand, because behind she is bald.” This famous quote by Leonardo da Vinci is the motto of the spectacle La Fortuna. Lady with an Ermine, prepared by the “Cracovia Danza” Court Ballet. The lady in the painting, Cecilia Gallerani, mistress of Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, would surely have had plenty to say on the subject of the wheel of fortune, as the duke cast her aside as demanded by his wife Beatrice d’Este. The performance takes an audience to the Sforza court in Milan during glorious times of Italian Cinquecento, showing richness and sophistication of its culture. The play is based on the renaissance tradition of ballet performances and contains reconstructed pieces of Il Paradiso – a show featuring costumes and scenery designed by Leonardo. The performance is full of renaissance music, recreated authentic choreographies, costumes inspired by iconography and design of those years. We will also see dances performed at the Sforza court. 

Cracovia Danza Court Ballet, founded by dancer and choreographer Romana Agnel, is Poland’s only professional ballet that specializes in Baroque and Old Polish dances. The ballet has been a Municipal Institution of Culture since 2006. The group’s repertoire is inspired by, among others, dance masters' treatises as well as old iconographic sources, and spans the periods from the Middle Ages to modern times.


Created by

directed by: Paweł Winsczyk

choreography and stage movement: Romana Agnel

choreography from the period reconstructed from 15th century Italian treatises: Barbara Sparti
costumes: Martine Pichon, Monika Polak-Luścińska 
stage design: Monika Polak-Luścińska

Ticket price 25 EUR. If you buy a ticket, you can visit the Bauska Castle Museum and the central tower of the Livonian Order with the viewing platform before the performance free of charge. Children up to 7 years old free admission.


The performance starts at 19:00 and lasts 1 hour.


Tickets can be purchased at the Bauska Castle Museum and "Biļešu paradīze" ticket offices.


Visitors are invited to arrive from 16:00 to watch the VIII Fencing tournament "Ius Gladii – The right of the sword" - free of charge.



More about „Cracovia Danza” please read  www.cracoviadanza.pl.

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

  • Splendid dance performance "La Fortuna -Lady with an Ermine" in the courtyard of the renovated Bauska Castle

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