Uldis Briedis Photo Exhibition 'Free to Be'

  • Uldis Briedis Photo Exhibition 'Free to Be'

Published: 15:33 08.01.2024 Add Events

From January 13 to March 30, the art space 'Civita Nova' at the Liepaja Concert Hall 'Lielais dzintars' will host Uldis Briedis' exhibition 'Free to Be', which reflects various moments of Latvian cultural authorities from 1966 to 2010.

The exhibition at the concert hall will be complemented by significant cultural figures from Liepaja, totaling more than 80 photographs. Interested individuals are invited to the exhibition opening on Saturday, January 13, at 17:00.

'We are truly delighted that the great Master of Photography Uldis Briedis returns to the place where his journey as a photographer began with his ambitious solo exhibition 'Free to Be'. Liepaja is the place where he developed his distinct photographic style and simultaneously documented the complex time before the awakening related to Liepaja's cultural figures,' reveals the exhibition organizers. 'Uldis Briedis is unfortunately no longer with us, but he actively participated in the selection of the exhibition's photo exhibits. We are convinced that he and the cultural personalities he portrayed will remain in the history of Latvian photography for a long time.'

Uldis Briedis' portraits of Latvian cultural figures have become symbols, records of events and spirit of their time. They possess a documentary and timeless nature. The faces of these characters are captured in unexpected moments, allowing the viewer to encounter the essence of creativity - the feeling of inner freedom that, despite the external framework of time, is continuously connected to the source and truth.

Creativity is a manifestation of inner freedom that cannot be silenced or concealed. It breaks through like a spring even in moments when it seems possible only in subtext. It is the freedom to be and speak in the universal language of signs, symbols, tones, strokes, points, and sounds.
The exhibition features portraits of Imants Ziedonis, Raimonds Pauls, Mirdza Martinsona, Katrine Pasternaka, Martins Brauns, Uldis Stabulnieks, Eriks Hanbergs, Egons Līvs, Haralds Simanis, and other personalities. They embody the feeling of Latvia that resides in the subconscious of each of us, passed down from generation to generation, but which we occasionally lose in everyday life. And its fragility harshly and directly reminds us of reality.

Truth is paramount in Uldis Briedis' photography. The idea that is revealed through gestures, gazes, strands of hair, shadows, smiles, half-spoken words, and tears. Speaking about the period in which his characters - contemporaries and friends - live, he says: 'It was like a starting shot for human freedom.' Unlimited and absolute, where all possibilities are present. Such a moment of culmination of freedom is possible only when both circumstances coincide - inner freedom is in synchrony and synergy with the external.

It has always been important for him to capture his subjects as they are - in a specific moment and space. Countless hours are sometimes dedicated to this - simply being present, conversing, observing, not interfering, allowing the person to be. As he himself says, observation is the first prerequisite. 'To approach a person's essence, you need to observe. Appearance, angle, gestures, how light changes, posture, facial expressions. It all flows through your mind like a stream. When I take photographs, there is no free moment. Although sometimes it may seem externally that I lift the camera only occasionally.'

When looking at Uldis Briedis' captured portraits, we experience history anew. And knowledge. Also about ourselves.

The exhibition is free of charge and can be visited during the concert hall's working hours from Monday to Friday: 11:00-17:00, on Saturdays and Sundays: 10:00-15:00.

The exhibition is organized by SIA 'Lielais Dzintars' in cooperation with the 'Ola Foundation' and 'Autornams'. Exhibition curators: Ilze Pīlēna, Iveta Briede, and Harijs Briedis. Support: Liepaja Municipality.

More information is available on the website www.lielaisdzintars.lv. For inquiries, please contact the concert hall's information center. Phone: 63 424 555, email: info@lielaisdzintars.lv.


Categories: Culture;
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